
You are being hounded by an internal voice that speaks to you of a life that is yet to be. 

One you feel a deep longing in your body for.

A hunger, an ache, a grief for what has not yet been.

A yearning for … MORE. 

It can be overwhelming to even consider honoring this voice. 

You hold fear over what it would mean for you to lean closer to the bigness of this truth. 

You are deeply aware that the energy of this MORE could quite possibly ruin all that you know to be real. 

It might split your illusions wide open. 

It may completely shatter your facades. 

It holds the power of bringing life to its knees in full surrender where you finally meet the ground and greet the earth of you. 

Self-intimacy work is the work of sacred relationship with your one and only self here in this very space on the ground. 

It is the work of undoing, unlearning and then re-building an unshakeable loyalty with yourself - one trusted action at a time. 

Self-intimacy is about radical honesty and transparent communication with your own body, wisdom and deeply sourced knowing. 

It is about excavating the roots of you and returning to the bones of your belonging. 

Self-intimacy is not a guaranteed journey of ease and comfort but it is one of immeasurable treasure and truth. 

A life lived with self-intimacy is one that leaks love everywhere it goes because it is sourced within and can withstand the shaking and quaking that life extends. 

I am extraordinarily committed to this work in my own life and it is one of my greatest honors to act as a guide in the get through for others. 

My self-intimacy coaching package is a 12-week commitment with weekly 60 min sessions, extra support provided via WhatsApp when needed, as well as resources and integration suggestions to support the process throughout each week. 

We will create a trusted and sacred container together that holds the potential for deeply transformative work.

We do this with tools such as mindfulness, meditation exercises, shadow work, inner-child exploration, future self interaction, embodiment practice, nature play, ceremony and building our capacity to stay with ourselves in the reality of what is. 

The work of transformation begins with self-intimacy. 

Self-intimacy breeds authenticity. 

Authenticity allows us to be free.

Please reach out to me with any and all of your curiosities. 

Jessamyn is such a beautiful and gifted healer and space holder. The tenderness she brings to a session creates such a gentle and loving space for even the most vulnerable and painful emotions, blocks and body memories. She navigates big energies with such ease and holds a gentle and supportive space that allows me to explore layers within me that so often feel too vulnerable to even go near.

I love how she listens deeply and understands the nuances of the story behind my words. I feel deeply seen and held in her sessions. I always walk away with clarity and new profound insights that have landed deeply within me and that keep creating movement within in the weeks and months following.

I would recommend Jessamyn any day, especially if you are new to embodiment and healing work and/or would appreciate and gentle facilitator, or if you are longing to access deeper layers within yourself in your healing journey.

Working with Jessamyn is such a gift.


From the first moment of meeting Jessamyn, I felt safe, held, heard and nurtured. Receiving therapy from her is not a one-note experience. Your body and heart space are in direct dialogue with her healing capacity. Post-therapy, I felt reawakened to myself and my body.


Jessamyn and the light she brings is a gift to so many. I have been honored to experience her healing energy personally and subsequently invited her to hold space for participants in multiple healing retreats for women. Jessamyn is a professional without being cold or clinical. She is warm and kind while helping women feel comfortable with whatever boundaries they need.


Jessamyn not only made me feel safe with her nurturing energy but also supported me in feeling at ease and able to relax. She has a presence that is both soothing and fortifying and she is a master at her craft.


I am a deeply sensitive person and Jessamyn’s ability to hold space during therapy is everything to me. She is able to tune into what my body is asking for and uses the most perfect tools to support it.


Jessamyn’s healing techniques offer more than just relaxation. Her intuitive strength and her held knowing help find my unique needs. Her combination of joy and welling compassion leaves me feeling deeply cared for. She brings her whole heart each time we connect.
