There is so much possibility and agency in the space of intentional healing.

Somatic awareness is a profoundly powerful way of approaching this process of reclamation and recovery. 

As we begin or deepen into a journey of healing and personal growth, it is common to approach the work from the level of the mind only – where we can convince ourselves that if we just THINK the correct thoughts, our lives will be magically transformed. 

To approach change at the level of the soma is to bring our awareness to the sensations, messaging and information held in the body. 

Developing a relationship with the body is a practice and way of living that responds to repetition, gentleness, trust building and intentional listening. 

To be in communication with the lived stories, patterns and experience of your living, breathing, bleeding, heart-beating body is to be in communication with an often untapped wealth of wisdom and possibility. 

The specific type of somatic therapy I am trained in is Focalizing. 

Focalizing is a practice of turning our intention, attention, awareness and curiosity inward to gain clarity, trust, truth and transformation from a deeply gentle and embodied space. 

Each session is a practice in compassionate curiosity with your own truth, perceived limitations and the expanse of what wants to exist. 

Sessions are 1 hour long and involve working with a specific shared intention at a pace that is honorable to your needs and readiness. I facilitate an inward exploration where you are encouraged to follow the wisdom your own body as it offers guidance and instruction on what is important for your own knowing and discovery in your path forward. 

You are the healer. 

I am the guide.