the holy contradiction project

what happens in the space where contradictions meet, cross over, bump up against one another?  is there wholeness in that?  we humans are complex.  we contain multitudes.  we attach ourselves to labels and we move through the world with those labels in tact.  what happens when the very things that define us fall apart?  what happens when we experience the opposite of what it is we are seeking within ourselves?  what happens when we recognize our capacity to be multi-dimensional.  where do we go to tenderly hold the sharp juxtaposition of energies that course through our blood, our brains, our spirits and bones?
this is our intent.  this is our work.  it is just us, showing up with timid hearts that hold secret courage.  it is a space for us to explore the very multitudes that sit, however uncomfortably, in the core of our existence.  we seem to explore best through photos and words.  this is our language and offering, our expansion into the deep ends and our wade through the shallow waters.
my dear Georgia came to me, wanting to be seen.  i love that kind of practice and i love saying yes.  this is where it began.  so, for however long, she and i are going to be experimenting with contradictions.  i see them as holy.  i revere our abilities to be a number of things and hold an array of emotions in this life.  every couple of weeks, we are going to take 2 words that are seemingly opposed to one another and we are going to play with them, commune with them and make art with them.  we are going to write and photograph and open and be vulnerable.  and we are going to share all of that on our own sites, in our own ways, with our own hearts.
we invite you along in the journey.  let this be an instigation invitation to further reflect upon and explore the very truth of you; holy contradictions and all.



take a look at what Georgia has to say about it over here